How to seal liners for maximal safety

Posted on 02 July 2021

You can have the highest quality products in the world - if they’re not handled correctly, they won’t do their job. The same goes for our liners. 

In earlier blogs you can read all about why we use liners and what types there are. But we never expanded on how to properly seal them. We’ll explain what to keep in mind and how to use your liners the right way.


Sealing and liners: tips from our experts

  • It’s crucial that you choose the right liner for your product. This means you will have to take into account what particle size your product is, its density and structure. This will determine what your specific liner will look like - its wideness, length and of course thickness. 
  • Before sealing, you should make sure the liner is completely stretched out.
  • With this information, you can set up your equipment to have the right seal temperature, time, and pressure.
  • Your staff should be aware what a good sealing process looks like, and should be able to recognize bad sealing practices. 

We try to produce as little waste as possible. For our liners, we work with tailored sizes so we don’t have to cut and throw away huge chunks of plastic. Read all about it in our blog on minimizing waste.

Our liners

  • Conductive
  • Aluminium
  • Antistatic-dissipative
  • Permanent antistatic
  • OPP metalized
  • EVOH
  • PA
  • PP


Need more advice on what liner is best for your product?

We're here to help. Reach out to our team of experts for a tailored solution. 

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