Latest Blogs

9 June 2021

Modified Atmosphere Packaging and the battle against plastic

Becoming more sustainable as an entire industry is a challenge. Whereas MAP helps to reduce food-waste, the problem of plastic continues to exist. While innovation is an ongoing... Read more

26 May 2021

How to safely store bulk bags outside

In some cases during transport or an unforeseen event at the warehouse, an FIBC will have to spend the night - or day - outside, exposed to the elements. Is this an issue? How can... Read more

19 May 2021

Masterpack and EcoVadis: a sustainable ‘now’

A sustainable future starts with what you do today. With that in mind, Masterpack embarked on a mission that started in 2019. We wanted to improve our sustainability score. Today,... Read more

10 May 2021

How to determine if you can reuse an FIBC

Sustainability and safety go hand in hand. And there’s much more to be done than recycling and repurposing products, Big Bags included. However, there are certain cases in which... Read more

11 March 2021

Is Modified Atmosphere Packaging a profitable choice?

If you have been thinking about investing in Modified Atmosphere Packaging for a while, there’s a lot to take into account. Finding a reliable supplier and partner, making the... Read more

4 February 2021

How improving packaging improves food quality

When buying a pack of rice in the supermarket, we usually don’t think about how far that food has traveled to reach us — and what it had to endure on those travels. Packaging has... Read more

23 July 2020

More than marketing: Smart Food Packaging Solutions

The general four basic functions of packaging are protection, communication, convenience, and containment. But in the battle against food waste and other sustainability... Read more

17 July 2020

Safely recycling and reusing FIBCs

Big Bags have the potential to make a positive impact on the environment when used in the right way. Some FIBCs can be used multiple times or even recycled. Want to know more... Read more

25 June 2020

Battling food waste with smart packaging solutions

It’s no news that food waste is still a huge problem. The impact on the environment, society and agriculture is immense and all across the globe, people are looking for solutions.... Read more