Safely handling FIBCs: this is what you need to know

Posted on 21 August 2020

With Big Bags, come big responsibilities. Working with FIBCs is a delicate task — even though their size is not. How do you handle them correctly during filling, transport, and storage? We put the basics for you together.

Before getting started

The first thing to do, is making sure what the right FIBC is for the job. Consider which Safe Working Load you need, the weight and substance that will be carried, but also the requirements of your market.

Keep in mind that some FIBCs can be reused, and some not. Always check what the case is with your bag. In case it is a reusable FIBC, make sure you inspect them before refilling them.

A safe filling process

Time to fill the FIBC. Start by checking if the discharge spout is closed off correctly before you start filling the bag. Make sure that the FIBC is stable and close the top inlet correctly.

Be aware of how much the FIBC can take. Don’t fill the bag unevenly and never exceed the SWL.

Transporting the bags

Within your production facility, moving the Big Bags is a task that asks for caution. You don’t want people to get hurt by wrongly handling the bags, who once filled, make a great impact. Don’t allow people to walk beneath suspended FIBCs

Make sure you are using lifting gear that has enough capacity to carry the suspended load. Adjust the distance between the forklift arms to the correct width for the FIBC. Tilt the mast of the forklift truck rearwards to an appropriate angle — but never forward. Also, avoid dragging the FIBC at all costs and prevent any snatch lifts or jerk stops.

Safe stacking, storage, and transport

Before you start stacking FIBCs, make sure they are suitable for this. Keep the precautions on the label in mind. Wherever you store the bags, make sure the FIBC is protected from rain and sunlight to keep the bag and products inside in great condition. When the bag is ready for transport, make sure it’s tight and secure.

Keep in mind that there is the possibility of static electricity hazards. You should check whether you are working with a Type A/B/C or D bag to know how to safely handle flammable or combustible materials.

Want to know more about FIBCs and safety?

We’re here to help. Our experienced team can tell you all about the measures to take to safely handle your FIBCs within your facility. Reach out to find out more.

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