3 powders and their storage challenges: how MAP helps

Posted on 15 June 2023

Storing powders can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to maintaining the quality of the product. Whether it is krill meal, fish meal or dairy powder, these commodities need to be stored properly to ensure their freshness and longevity. 

In this blog, we will delve into the challenges of storing powders and how Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) can help mitigate these issues.

Storing krill meal in bulk

Krill meal is a protein and nutrient-rich feedstuff that is extracted from aquatic organisms, which have a relatively high astaxanthin content. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant that has numerous health benefits, and is also of high commercial value. 

What makes storing krill meal challenging?

However, krill meal is highly susceptible to oxidation under ambient oxygen concentrations (normal air). This can lead to the degradation of lipids and astaxanthin, resulting in rancidity, off-flavors, and a change in color. 

To add to this challenge, krill meal is also susceptible to bacterial degradation, toxin formation, mold, and mycotoxin formation.

Storing fish meal in bulk

Fish meal is another protein and nutrient-rich commodity that is used primarily in diets for domestic animals. Fish meal can be made from almost any type of seafood, and is a solid product from which most of the water is removed and some or all of the oil is removed. 

What makes storing fish meal challenging?

Like krill meal, fish meal is susceptible to oxidation under ambient oxygen concentrations. Rancidity from lipid oxidation and the presence of biogenic amines produced from protein oxidation can affect fish meal quality. 

Additionally, fish meal can attract insects and is also susceptible to bacterial degradation, toxin formation, mold, and mycotoxin formation.

Read more: Big Bag benefits for agricultural products 

Storing dairy powder in bulk

Dairy powder is a high-protein, high-fat, and high-carbohydrate feed supplement that is made from milk. Dairy powder is used in the production of infant formula, cheese, and other dairy products. 

What makes storing dairy powder challenging?

Since dairy powder has to be safe for consumption, even for babies, it is a challenging product to store and ship. Moisture uptake is the greatest risk for loss of product quality. 

Moisture can cause chemical, physical, and bacteriological changes, and can result in color changes and flavor changes. 

To prevent clumping and loss of quality, relative humidity needs to remain below 65%. The lactose in dairy ingredients is hygroscopic and readily takes up water, further complicating storage.

Read more: Benefits of Bulk Bags in the Dairy Industry 

One solution for storing powder in bulk: Modified Atmosphere Packaging

Pesticides can combat insects, molds, and bacteria, but are unwanted in food commodities, especially in certified biological food. Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) offers a solution to these challenges, and benefits your product in many more ways.

  • MAP in hermetically closed big bags with low oxygen transmission rate (OTR) and low water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) storage is a bio-based substitute. 
  • MAP kills insects, reduces mold and bacteria formation on a natural basis, and limits both respiration and auto-oxidation of the commodity. 
  • MAP is an ecologically friendly alternative, which has the potential to prolong the shelf-life of powdery food products significantly.
  • MAP kills pests and prevents contamination, without the use of harmful chemicals.

Packaging (MAP) offers an effective and eco-friendly solution to these challenges. If you are interested in seeing the results of our Modified Atmosphere Packaging on a product like yours, reach out to our team for a detailed report.

FAQs about Modified Atmosphere Packaging for powders

1. What is the difference between Modified Atmosphere Packaging and vacuum packaging?

Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) and vacuum packaging are both used to extend the shelf-life of food products. The main difference between the two is that MAP replaces the air inside the package with a carefully controlled mixture of gases, whereas vacuum packaging removes the air from the package entirely.

2. What are the most common factors that affect the quality of powders during storage?

The most common factors that can affect the quality of powders during storage are temperature, humidity, light exposure, and the concentration of oxygen in the storage environment. These factors can cause a variety of chemical and physical changes in the powders, including oxidation, microbial growth, and moisture uptake, which can impact their nutritional value, color, flavor, and overall quality.

3. How does Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) work to preserve the quality of powders during storage?

Modified Atmosphere Packaging is a technique that involves changing the composition of the air inside a package to reduce the amount of oxygen, which can cause oxidation and microbial growth. By using an inert gas, such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide, to replace some or all of the oxygen in the package, MAP can slow down the degradation of powders and extend their shelf life. Additionally, MAP can prevent moisture uptake and protect powders from light exposure.


Want to work towards sustainable supply chain management?

At Masterpack, we are continuously working towards better ways to pack and protect products. We proudly present our newest solution: Modified Atmosphere for FIBC’s. Download our latest whitepapers:

Testing and improving your packaging (1,6MB)
Modified Atmosphere in FIBC's (6,4MB)
Pest prevention and control in bulk packaging (2,8MB)
The Modified Atmosphere Packaging Process Whitepaper

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